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  • +361-360-6131
  • Sergio@dogtrainer.pro
  • Corpus Christi, Texas

Intermediate Obedience Training

Intermediate Obedience raises the bar by having the dog perform commands without a leash in public spaces with few people and distractions, emphasizing control and reliability.

Intermedite Group Stay
Intermedite Group Stay

Intermediate Training

Intermediate Obedience

Off-Leash, Level 3 Out in Public with Few People and Distractions)
Sit-Stay, Down-Stay: The dog must hold these positions for at least 15 minutes without a leash in a public space with few distractions, showcasing enhanced discipline. 

 Come When Called: The dog demonstrates dependable recall in a more distracting environment, returning immediately to the handler. Climb/Place: The dog follows the climb or place command off-leash in public spaces, staying in a designated spot despite distractions. Heeling: The dog walks closely without a leash, navigating through public spaces smoothly and attentively.


Intermediate Focus

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